Sunday, December 15, 2013


I'm not going to surrender my will to people, but to give it to God.
I'm going to stand for what I believe in.
I'm going to try to do my best, as best I can.
I'm not going to ignore people's crap.
I'm going to raise my standards.
I'm going to right my wrongs.
I'm going to pray for what I want.
I'm not going to believe in myself, but believe in what is in myself.
I will love those who live in the dark.
I will not be afraid to suffer.
I will put it all on the line.
I'm not going to beat the crap out of people for the lies they spread like a disease.
I'm not going to allow myself to be distracted by women.
I'm not going to prioritize personal entertainment.
I'm going to control my thoughts, words, actions, and imaginations.
I'm going to show people their own hearts.
I'm going to say, "I disagree," instead of shoving the truth down people's throats.
I will keep the things I love.
I will let go of the past.
I will not anticipate the future.
I will think of the consequences.
I will not ramble.
I will work hard.
I will be fearless in my righteousness.
I will drink from my own cistern.
I will be the man I want to be.
I will spend my precious time, wisely.
I will not waste time on people who want to waste time.
I will live like I'm on top of the world.
I will love.
I will love Love.
I will love to love.
I will love loving Love.
Love will do the rest.

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